Where Precision Meets Proficiency: 
International Quality and Education for Cellular Pathology Diagnostics

UK NEQAS CPT eLearning platform LIVE NOW!

You will receive an email from donotreply@profilerlive.net with a link to access the platform, and a prompt to set up a new password for your account.

eLearning platform

Annual Subscription is now closed

If you have not re-subscribed but wish to do so, please contact cpt@ukneqas.org.uk

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UK NEQAS CPT is an independent organisation and any sponsorship has no influence on methods, results or reports.

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For security and confidentiality reasons, all registered participants wishing to contact UK NEQAS CPT will be required to give their 4 or 5-digit participation number plus 2 additional pieces of identifying data* before queries can be dealt with. 

*Additional data


  • Web user login ID
  • Web user password
  • Email address
  • Organisation address
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