Direct Immunofluorescence

Direct Immunofluorescence

This scheme is intended for use by clinical laboratories / organisations which may be either specialist departments or sections within general laboratories/organisations, who offer an immunofluorescence service.

Staining Criteria Handbook available in Members' Area

The Direct Immunofluorescence (DIF) is a web-based scheme.

No. of assessment runs: 

6 distributions over a 12 month period

Digital Images assessed:                                         

Selected / In-house Material (all assessment runs)           

4 positive fluorescence images from the following options;

  • 4 single positive cases
  • 3 cases (1 double positive plus two single positives)
  • 2 cases (2 double positives)
  • 1 triple positive and 1 single positive
  • 1 case with 4 separate positive conjugates

Specific Site / Tissue Composition*:




The DIF scheme, like the TEM scheme, utilises digital image submission to our website for assessment. Like other schemes, the DIF scheme works on a retrospective basis. Participants are asked to submit the first 4 positive fluorescence images after the specified date, irrespective of number of cases, provided that at least 4 separate conjugates examples from a Participants’ in house repertoire are represented.

*If participants are unable to provide the stated specimen types requested, they are permitted to submit an alternative specimen type, as long as the images submitted show positive staining.

The fluorescent markers required for submission are not specified by UK NEQAS CPT, and participants must use their professional judgement to select appropriate markers and representative images for assessment.

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