Performance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring

As an EQA/proficiency testing provider, UK NEQAS is required by accrediting body United Accreditation Service (UKAS) to monitor the performance of all of its participants in UK clinical laboratories/organisations.  UK NEQAS CPT will also inform those non-clinical or overseas laboratories/organisations  who do fall in to performance monitoring and offer assistance. 

The National Quality Assurance Advisory Panel (NQAAP) states that submission rates should be 100% for all UK clinical laboratories/organisations. 

Poor performance will result in a letter being issued by UK NEQAS CPT via email, offering advice and assistance. A root cause and CAPA analysis (Poor Performance Monitoring Action Form) must be completed by the participant through their member’s area of the website. If no response has been received from the laboratory/organisation by the due date (one month from the date the letter is sent) the Quality Manager will inform NQAAP.

In 2010, NQAAP made it mandatory for EQA schemes to use a traffic light system for the grading of all its UK participants:

Amber Rating - Issues with poor performance – managed locally by UK NEQAS CPT
3 scores of  2/5 (4/10) or lower over 5 assessments runs on the UK NEQAS CPT material will trigger an amber notification.  This will result in a letter being sent by the Scheme Manager to the Clinical Head of Department (CHOD) and the Technical Head of Department (THOD) summarising performance and offering advice and assistance through the UK NEQAS CPT Scheme. 

Red Rating (UK Clinical Laboratories) - Persistent poor performer/unresolved poor performance issues – referred nationally to NQAAP  
5 scores of 2/5 (4/10) or lower over 5 assessments runs on the UK NEQAS CPT material will trigger a red notification. This will result in a letter being sent by the Scheme Manager to the CHOD and the THOD summarising performance and offering advice and assistance through the UK NEQAS CPT Scheme. 
Please note  that as a result of a lab attaining a Red Rating,  the Scheme Manager will prepare a report to NQAAP detailing the nature of the problem and any action taken.

Black Rating (UK Clinical Laboratories) - Cases that cannot be managed by the Organiser/NQAAP and that have been referred to the JWG
This rating is defined by NQAAP for participants with unresolved performance issues. 

If the actions of NQAAP do not resolve the poor performance issues, then NQAAP will refer the participants to the Joint Working Group (JWG).

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