TEM Scheme

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

The Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Scheme Participants are asked to submit 2 archival stained preparations, from 2 distinct TEM analysed biopsies
Staining Criteria Handbook available in Members' Area
No. of assessment runs : 
6 distributions over a 12 month period 

Digital Images assessed:
Selected / In-house Material (all runs)
Image 1: the lowest power image for that case 
Image 2:  the highest power image for that case
Image 3 and 4: 2 representative images showing the diagnostic features from that case 

Specific Site / Tissue Composition*:




*If participants are unable to provide any of the 3 stated specimen types for either case, they are permitted to submit an alternative specimen type, but must state what the specimen type is and the reason for submitting it. 

Diagnostic transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is carried out in a number of specialist centres and departments in the UK and overseas. Renal pathology, is by far the largest user of diagnostic electron microscopy services with many centres routinely examining all native renal biopsies by electron microscopy. In other areas, such as muscle and nerve pathology, current TEM is also regarded as an important if not essential diagnostic tool.

Unlike other UK NEQAS CPT schemes TEM will utilise digital image submission to our website for assessment. Where a participant is unable to submit digital images, micrographs will be accepted.

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