Staining Criteria Handbook available in Members' Area
Stains assessed:
Selected / In-house Material (all assessment runs)
Paraffin wax embedded tissue block
Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E)
Specimen types:
Specific specimen types are not requested, and Participants’ are permitted to submit any specimen type, as long as the specimen type is representative of a Participants’ in house repertoire.
This scheme allows the EQA of the paraffin wax embedded tissue cassettes in association with the corresponding H&E stained section, to provide excellent concordance and more informed assessment and feedback.
Participants are asked to submit 1 block together with the corresponding H&E stained section from the date indicated on the delivery letter, per asset. For the purposes of submission to the UK NEQAS CPT Tissue Diagnostics scheme, an asset in this instance is classified as a 'tissue processor'. The basic scheme allows for the registration of 2 assets – additional assets can be added as part of the subscription process to cover a laboratory's / organisation's full range of automation / processing schedules.
The block and associated slide should be a true representation of that patient case, and a true representation of the quality performed in that centre as part of their routine daily workload
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